Thursday, July 29, 2004


I watch as the gentle brook feeds the lake
And I wonder how something so large
Depends on something so small

I smell the scent of fire; burning pine
And I wonder if any aroma could ever
Bring back as sweet of memories

I watch the dragonflies dance on the water
And I wonder if, over the centuries,
Their dance has ever changed

I feel the warm wind against my skin
And I wonder, truly, if what I feel
Is the gentle breath of God

I watch the rocks break the water's flow
And I wonder how long it will take
Before the water breaks the rocks

I take in the world that lay before me
And I wonder if anything could be
More serene or beautiful than this

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Each year I go back home
And dream my summer away
It may not be my real address
But it's where you'll find my heart
So what is home but a relative term
For home is where your family is

Each year I meet my family
And play my summer away
They may not be blood related
But they love me just the same
So what is family but a relative term
For a family is people who love

Each year I go where I am loved
And laugh my summer away
They may not have a reason
but they love me anyway
So love is not a relative term
Because when I'm loved I'm home